Empress Ki: Eps 46-47

Your choices are what will pave your road.

Episode 46.

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The news about Maha was too much for Seung-nyang, who couldn’t stop her tears after hearing that the Prince was indeed her long lost child. Eunuch Bang told them that the plan to attack Maha would be carried out at the temple since the Prince was there to carry out a memorial for his ancestors. At the same time, Byung-soo and his men in black, were ready to attack the guards. Soon, the guards were shouting “Assassins!!” to alert the people inside the temple, including Dok-man and Maha. Dok-man told the Prince to escape first but the assassins saw him running away. Dok-man managed to pull Bayan’s ring which was given to Byung-soo by Yeon-hwa and he seemed to recognize the ring. Dun dun dun! Maha ran out to see Lady Ki but then, Byung-soo said that he was there under Dangkise’s order. Yeah, as if that man would order you to kill the child, huh? The poor boy was forced to choose side and he walked towards Byung-soo before Dok-man screamed at him, telling the Prince that those were the people who were trying to kill him. Maha ran towards Seung-nyang but an arrow was shot and hit him on the back before he could reach his mother.


Oh God, of all times…why the reunion had to be at this heartbreaking moment?! Seung-nyang held Maha in her arms, crying at the sight of her child hurting while the boy was wondering why he was crying buckets in front of him. Ackkk! The boy soon lost his consciousness as Seung-nyang continued to call his name. sobs

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Meanwhile..Ta-hwan was running across the palace, heading towards the palace gate as he seemed to be running away from someone else. He reached the gate but it was closed, leaving him to pound on the gate repeatedly. An arrow was shot but it hit the gate as the camera showed us the person who was chasing him: Seung-nyang. The lady was holding a bow and decked in red, ready to shoot Ta-hwan for killing Wang Yoo. The vengeful Seung-nyang admitted that Yoo was the only person forever in her heart and she aimed her bow right at Ta-hwan before shooting the arrow…


..and Ta-hwan woke up from his nightmare. He wanted to go to Lady Ki’s quarters but cancelled his plan. His mind was clearly disturbed..

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Dok-man took the arrow from Maha’s back but found out that it was laced with poison. Seung-nyang was so worried but the eunuch told her that the boy wasn’t hit on his vital point so he would be safe. He noticed that she looked so sad to see Maha being injured, plus Eunuch Bang’s worried look didn’t escape his attention either. He pressed Eunuch Bang for the reason why Lady Ki was so sympathetic towards her own son’s rival but Eunuch Bang chose not to tell him the truth for the time being. Seung-nyang finally had the chance to verify Maha’s birthmark and he was indeed his Byul. She recalled the moment she gave birth to him before losing him and apologized for hating the child as she kept calling him her son, Byul. Seung-nyang ah…don’t cry (ㅠㅠ)

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Byung-soo reported the outcome of the attack to Bayan (and they looked like secret lovers meeting each other =.=”) and she had never thought that Lady Ki would appear at the temple but it was better for her plan. Byung-soo would spread the rumour that Maha was attacked by people from Goryeo and Lady Ki would be inflicted this time. At the palace, Taltal informed Ta-hwan that he couldn’t find Yoo’s corpse and added that if he was indeed alive, Yoo would head towards Goryeo. Ta-hwan wondered if there’s someone who would help Yoo and Baek Ahn was quick to suggest that the person might be someone indebted to Yoo, for example…Lady Ki (enough of your assumption =.=”). Ta-hwan didn’t want to hear it and told Taltal to send his order to Goryeo: Yoo would be beheaded if he reached Goryeo. Ouch. Empress Dowager came over to tell him another bad news: Maha had been attacked and it was said to be the work of people from Goryeo. Lady Ki’s presence at the temple put her in suspicion, because according to their logic, she would be eager to get rid of her son’s opponent. Yeah, right.

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Bayan acted like it was something she heard for the first time when Court Lady Seo told her about the rumour of Lady Ki ordering Goryeo people to kill Maha. She was thinking of wearing her ring (it was given by Ta-hwan on their wedding day) but it was nowhere to be found. Could it be that…Yeon-hwa stole the ring?? Maha was escorted back to the palace but he was still weak. Even Ta-hwan looked so worried for his injured son and he refused to hear the Dowager’s rambling about Lady Ki. He went to visit Maha and realized that he had no memories of holding Maha’s hand. He even told Dok-man to keep his visit a secret from Maha, afraid that it would be another reason for the boy to be harmed. It’s okay to show your affection in private, Ta-hwan!

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Seung-nyang met Bayan and the latter expressed her (fake) concern regarding Maha’s attack (Court Lady Seo’s face was priceless, though) and kept reminding Seung-nyang that she might be on the losing side. Seung-nyang thanked her for her concern but she’s determined to bring down Bayan, who tried to harm her children. Yes, the ring was in Seung-nyang’s hands right now! Dok-man gave it to her and she recognized the ring as the Empress’ ring. It was a proof that Byung-soo was indeed working under Bayan’s order. Seung-nyang went back to her quarters and Ta-hwan was waiting for her, ready to hear her explanation. He knew that she would do anything for Ayu’s sake and Seung-nyang swore to the Heavens that it wasn’t her. She wanted to reveal the real culprit in front of everyone and Ta-hwan could have his way if she failed to do so.

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So everyone gathered in the throne hall and Seung-nyang was given the chance to explain herself. She was the one who saved Maha, not the person who tried to kill him. Empress Dowager tried to oppose her every word and Seung-nyang showed them the ring which belonged to Bayan. Ta-hwan wanted to hear the explanation from the Empress but she accused Seung-nyang of stealing her ring. Dok-man then testified, saying that he got the ring from the person who tried to assassinate the Prince. Bayan accused them of being Goryeo people who tried to trick the Imperial Family but Ta-hwan knew that Bayan was lying: Byung-soo was Lady Ki’s enemy and she would never work with an enemy! Hahahaha~ She was cornered now and the last defense she had was to act like she didn’t know Byung-soo. Seung-nyang requested for Court Lady Seo to tell the truth, whether Byung-soo and Bayan knew each other and she admitted that those two had met each other but it had never occurred to her that they would try to kill Maha. HA, Bayan was dragged away and no one dared to interfere with Ta-hwan’s decision this time. Muahahaha.

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A nun was escorted to the throne hall and Seung-nyang had another thing to be disclosed: Maha was not Tanashiri’s son. Uh-oh. The whole court was indeed surprised to hear that except for a few who knew about it beforehand and Seung-nyang brought in the nun to testify about Tanashiri taking away the abandoned child before burning down the temple. Empress Dowager was so shocked upon hearing that (she had never thought that she would lose her power this soon..right?) and passed out. Again, Taltal and Seung-nyang exchanged glances…don’t worry, no one but me saw both of you!

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Maha regained consciousness but he closed his eyes when someone entered his room. His visitor was Lady Ki, who checked whether his fever had went down. She wanted to tell the truth to Maha once he woke up and Maha, unable to hide his curiosity, opened his eyes and asked what she meant. Seung-nyang put on her iron lady mask and told him that he was not the Emperor and Tanashiri’s son. Maha demanded to know where his parents were and Seung-nyang was on the verge of crumbling but she steeled herself, saying that he was just an abandoned child (ㅠㅠ) Poor boy…He kept crying and Seung-nyang told him to stop crying.

Seung-nyang: Come to your senses. Stop crying! No one..no one won’t protect your life. Hence, you have to be stronger. And don’t expect anything from anyone…then you’ll be able to live. My words…make sure you remember it.


She walked out and Maha’s sobs could be heard outside. Seung-nyang let out the tears she held in in front of him and spoke out the words she really meant to tell him, although she could only tell it to herself.

Seung-nyang: Byul, my son..this is the only thing I can do for you. Just hold on for a while..just for a while. Byul, my son..

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Moo-song, Jeombakyi, and Suri were heading towards the promised place, where Yoo would be waiting for them with Bi-soo. They were somewhere remote but still in the Yuan territory. Bi-soo cooked some meat for Yoo and he noticed that her face was smeared with soot. Yoo tried to clean it for her but she stopped him from doing so. Suddenly, she saw a few men approaching them and told Yoo to drive the cart while she tried to protect them. It was Dangkise, who was more than eager to end Yoo’s life. Dangkise and his men chased them while Bi-soo tried to shoot them but in the end, she got shot by those filthy arrows 😦 Yoo held her in his arms and cleaned her face 😥 Bi-soo hoped that Yoo would think of her once in a while and with that….she passed away. WHY…………


The rest of the Goryeo team helped Yoo to bury Bi-soo and Moo-song gave Yoo something which Bi-soo kept with her all this while: a lipstick case. She was a true woman,after all. Suri told Yoo that Bi-soo had loved him and Yoo recalled the conversation he had with her before: she was asking for his permission to stay in Goryeo since she didn’t really have any other place to go. He wondered why she needed his permission to do so and she promised to tell him the reason once they reached Goryeo’s capital. sobs Yoo decided to go back to Yuan’s capital, although he’s aware that his life was in danger if he stayed in Yuan.

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Baek Ahn went to see Seung-nyang and told her that he won’t stop Ayu from being crowned as Yuan’s heir. She knew that he was trying to negotiate regarding Bayan’s issue but it was already decided that the Empress would be deposed. Baek Ahn decided to to forget his wish to protect her but Seung-nyang laughed it off, saying that it was her who wanted to protect him. Bayan was still hoping that her uncle would come to her help but it was the declaration of her being deposed which came to her. Even Baek Ahn refused to help her and Seung-nyang told the deposed Empress that she would be exiled. Cry no more, Bayan…no one would help you! Seung-nyang smiled victoriously at the frowning Baek Ahn and Taltal witnessed their exchange…come on, make your decision, Taltal!

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Byung-soo and Jo-cham were surprised that even the Empress was deposed and they would soon be finished too. Well, look around, boys! You have your face on the wanted posted on every corner of the city! Suddenly, someone approached them, holding swords on their necks…and it was Dangkise (with a brand new, upgraded eye patch). He wanted to kill Byung-soo for planning to get rid of his nephew Maha but Byung-soo told him that Maha wasn’t Tanashiri’s son. Yoo was also told about the news but the reason he went back to Yuan was to disclose the real identity of the Eagle Group Leader-nim. Jeokho reported that the leader were different people. Yoo suspected that it was done for the real Leader-nim to keep his identity hidden.

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Seung-nyang went to the Dowager’s quarters to offer her some medicine but Empress Dowager refused to accept anything from her. She demanded to know whether Seung-nyang found out about Maha from a long time ago, but Seung-nyang only said that she had prevented the Dowager from committing a grave mistake. She called Seung-nyang rudely and Seung-nyang corrected her that she should be addressed with respect since her son would soon become the heir. Dok-man informed the Dowager that Maha wanted to bid her goodbye before he left the palace but she refused to see him.

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Maha was waiting outside the quarters and Seung-nyang came out, telling him that the Dowager did not wish to see him. Ta-hwan joined them in front of the quarters and asked whether it’s time for Maha to take his leave. Ahhh…Maha was still addressing Ta-hwan as his father but soon changed it. Ta-hwan said that it wasn’t Maha’s fault; it’s his lacking self that caused all those things to happen. Maha told Ta-hwan to convey hi gratitude to Empress Dowager for raising him and bowed on the Dowager’s doorstep. Boy, you are breaking my heart! (ㅠㅠ)

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Ta-hwan went to see the Dowager, noting that she was cold to abandon a child once that child was deemed unworthy to her. He recalled that it was the same when his younger brother became the Emperor: the Dowager sent him to exile coldly but once he himself became the Emperor, she welcomed him with bright smile like nothing happened before. He thought that Seung-nyang was different from the Dowager but he recalled his nightmare..and he’s shaken again. He collapsed, giving up to his own insecurities…

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Seung-nyang brought Maha to a temporary residence and said that he would be her responsibility from now on. Awwww yeah! She spared Court Lady Seo because of Maha and told the court lady to bring Maha to Goryeo once he had recovered. Eunuch Bang found out about the arrangement and told the secret keepers about it, but Yoo was nearby and overheard them. He demanded to know what they meant by Maha was his real child and asked whether Maha was really his son. About time, sir!

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The court gathered again but this time, it’s for a happy occasion: Ayu was made the Crown Prince. So cute! Ta-hwan declared him his heir while Baek Ahn and the Dowager were both fuming with anger directed towards Seung-nyang. Hahahaha! They were still unable to accept the fact that the Emperor made a half-Goryeo the heir for Yuan’s throne but Baek Ahn was already planning to deal with Lady Ki. Uh-oh, Taltal, this is the time for you to save your Ladyship!


Seung-nyang was congratulated for becoming the Crown Prince’s mother but she was aware that the position didn’t mean that she could stand still and do nothing. Although she was the future Emperor’s mother, Baek Ahn and the Dowager won’t let her live in peace.


“The Chancellor and Empress Dowager will get rid of this person.”


Episode 47.

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Seung-nyang went to Ta-hwan’s quarters but Golta informed her that the Emperor was still sleeping. It wasn’t a calm sleep for Ta-hwan as he’s haunted with the image of Seung-nyang aiming her bow at him, this time taking place in his own throne hall. The imaginary Lady Ki didn’t need him anymore as her son was already made the heir to the throne and she’s more than willing to avenge her father and Yoo’s death. Just like another big blow for Ta-hwan, an imaginary figure of Empress Dowager appeared, laughing hysterically at him, pointing out that the throne he’s sitting on right now was a position where brothers would kill each other and sons would kill their fathers in order to sit on it. Scary. He told her to stop rambling but imaginary Seung-nyang replaced the Dowager, ready to shoot him as he continued to beg her not to do it..


..Ta-hwan continued to mumble in his sleep, clearly affected with the nightmare and Seung-nyang tried to wake him up. He opened his eyes and saw her in front of him, with the same robe in his dreams. She asked what was wrong and Ta-hwan suddenly choked her, accusing her of trying to kill him. Uh-oh! She tried to shake him off, telling him that it was just his dream. Ta-hwan soon snapped out of his imagination and apologized while telling her not to nag since he didn’t drink. He’s getting worse, really 😥 Golta barged into the room and told him that the officials are pleading for him to strip off Baek Ahn from his position as the Chancellor.

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The officials were already waiting in the throne hall when Ta-hwan made his staggering entrance and they wanted Baek Ahn to be demoted since he was a relative of the deposed Empress who tried to kill a prince. But then, Baek Ahn was already kneeling in front of the hall, pleading for himself to be demoted. You were trying to show off your sincerity, huh? Lady Ki could see through you (thus that smile~!) but unfortunately, not Ta-hwan. He thought that Baek Ahn was doing it out of hi loyalty to him and warned the others not to accuse the Chancellor of any crime in front of him, because he was his pride. Ummm…how about considering it one more time, Emperor??

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Lady Ki and Baek Ahn met each other and I really love this scene! Baek Ahn thought that she was rather bold in moving the officials against him but she thought he was better than her since he managed to gain the Emperor’s trust. Baek Ahn was still thinking that Lady Ki was out to ruin the country if he was defeated by her and Lady Ki stated the obvious: it’s not that she’s becoming his rival to fight against him; it’s because of the fight started by him which made her him rival. Truer words had never been said, Lady Ki! She was confident to go against him although it could cost her a big loss: not only her own life but also the lives of Goryeo people in Yuan could be endangered. Both of them were ready to face the war, aware with the outcome that one of them would have to die.


Maha went to a temple and insisted on praying in front of the Buddha continuously although Court Lady Seo told him that he could harm himself. He didn’t look too healthy..was it the poison? Yoo made his trip to the same temple after finding out that Maha had been staying there for a few days. Maha coughed out some blood but hid it when someone entered the temple, not realizing that it was Yoo. He thought that Yoo was there to get his revenge. Awwww kiddo…he won’t kill you! Yoo saw that his face was full of sorrow and wondered if he thought that his world had ended when he found out that he wasn’t the Emperor’s child. Yoo told Maha that no matter who his father was, he’s who he was.


Maha thought that Yoo saw him as a pitiful child but Yoo said that in order for him not to be treated like that, he had to be stronger. The same words Seung-nyang told her son (ㅠㅠ) and Yoo silently apologized to his son for that was the only thing he could do to comfort him. Maha asked whether there would be another chance to meet him and Yoo caressed his son’s cheek tenderly to Maha’s surprise, giving him his promise that he would come over once in a while. I can’t with these two..(ㅠㅠ)


Yoo realized that Maha did have some similarities with him…yeah, like father, like son! After finding out that Seung-nyang had planned to send Maha to Goryeo, he decided to take the boy with him and tell Maha his real identity being Yoo and Lady Ki’s child. While you’re at that, guys, mind if I remind you NOT to talk about secrets in public? Because someone might hear you…and this time, Court Lady Seo was nearby to hear everything. Darn.


That why I tell you NOT to discuss your secrets in public, guys…

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Lady Ki was in a hurry but it wasn’t because of the state issues or her rivals: it’s Ta-hwan, who had started drinking again and he was playing around with his concubines. Ta-hwan ended up catching Lady Ki in his arms during his game but she wasn’t interested in playing games with him. She asked half-heartedly about what made him so happy and reminded him that the doctor had warned him against drinking, but Ta-hwan’s excuse was that the drink made him able to escape the nightmare, the absurd one in which Lady Ki was trying to kill him. Hence, he hoped that Seung-nyang won’t stop him from doing so. This is so sad…

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Baek Ahn arrived to see the Emperor and Ta-hwan hugged him (it looks like Ta-hwan has a drinking habit that is hugging random people), glad to see a potential drinking buddy but the Chancellor wasn’t there not to drink, but to ask Ta-hwan to join him in reviewing the petitions sent by the officials. Ta-hwan couldn’t care less about it and he trusted Baek Ahn enough to give him his Imperial seal. Lady Ki insisted that he had to take a look at those petitions himself but Ta-hwan was set on entrusting Baek Ahn with his seal for the matter. So…did Baek Ahn thought that he won the first round?

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Golta escorted Baek Ahn to Ta-hwan’s quarters and the Chancellor got his chance to play with the ink stamp using the Imperial seal. Taltal was shocked that the petition Baek Ahn had approved with the seal was to deal with the high ranking officials whom he thought to be competent, but Baek Ahn couldn’t care less about their ability. According to his belief, instead of ability, loyalty was more important; plus, they’re all Lady Ki’s people. Taltal tried to persuade him into changing his mind but Baek Ahn alluded himself into believing that he was doing it for the country and vowed to deal with the Three Lords and all the officials on Lady Ki’s side. When Baek Ahn said that his words were the Emperor’s words, Taltal seemed to have realized that his uncle had changed for the worse. Hurry up and stop him!

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Baek Ahn tortured the captured officials and Lady Ki went to the prison to have a word with him, demanding to know the reason why the officials were treated like that. In the midst of the officials’ cries, pleading for Lady Ki to save them, Baek Ahn said that they were believed to have misused the government funds, but Lady Ki demanded to see the evidence. He treated the petition (with the Imperial seal) as the concrete evidence and she wondered if he was accusing her of conducting the crime, since they were her people. Lady Ki thought that Baek Ahn was the one who was slowly destroying the country instead of her.

Baek Ahn: This is not Consort’s country. It’s mine, and the Mongol people’s country.

Lady Ki: I am this country’s Consort.

Baek Ahn: But deep down in your heart, you’re a Goryeo people, right?

Baek Ahn stated that blood couldn’t lie, especially if it’s the lowly bad blood running in someone’s body from Goryeo. Lady Ki reminded him that so-called bad blood was also running through the nation’s Crown Prince, in case he had forgotten that she was the future Emperor’s mother. She accepted him challenge and left. Ahhh…I can watch them in a debate all day long!

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Ta-hwan was talking to Ayu and he seemed to tell him something about Goryeo, because Ayu said that the court ladies were thinking that if Ayu became the Emperor, it would mean something for Goryeo. Ta-hwan was furious and he chided the boy, warning him not to talk about Goryeo anymore. Ayu was scared to see Ta-hwan  like that and ran to Lady Ki, who happened to be there to see Ta-hwan. He thought that Baek Ahn did the right thing and wondered if watching her people being arrested made her heart ache. Instead, he’s more concerned about what he heard from Ayu just now and slightly warned her that he wished to hear no more of that issue. Seung-nyang was disappointed, thinking that Ta-hwan still saw her as a Goryeo woman, but Ta-hwan gave his excuse, saying that with her getting involved in the politics, people would talk about her. He hoped that she would stay as she was quietly but Seung-nyang was doing it for the country’s sake. Ta-hwan still held his grudge against her for saving the traitor Yoo in front of him and ordered her not to meddle in the state affair. Seung-nyang darted off (I really need to hear her go,”Yeah, yeah…I got it!”) and Golta was staring at her, clearly glad that she’s losing the Emperor’s favour.

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Eagle Group’s Leader-nim ordered Byung-soo and Jo-cham to meet Baek Ahn and those two cowered in fear, knowing that they would die once they met the Chancellor, but Leader-nim gave them the instruction to make themselves Baek Ahn’s minions. After the group’s meeting, Leader-nim took off his mask and revealed his identity…he was GOLTA (I got my second guess right!) but what surprised me more was the fact that Namu, one of Ta-hwan’s bodyguards, was his assistant. Woaaaahhhh!!! Golta predicted that Lady Ki would soon lose control over the officials as the Emperor had grown further apart from her and with Baek Ahn being the winner, his era would come. Yup, as expected from a merchant…all he cared for was money. sigh

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Baek Ahn was suspicious to see Byung-soo and Jo-cham approaching him all of a sudden but upon learning about the group’s willingness to give him some funds in return of his help, he agreed. Taltal was out dealing with Goryeo merchants on the street (?) and Yoo was nearby spying on them, taking note that the situation had gotten worse. Yoo decided to contact Suri to find out more about Eagle Group but this time, he’s working alone instead of helping Lady Ki. Taltal went back to see Byung-soo and Jo-cham going through the officials’ asset record and he was about to kill them but Baek Ahn stopped him. He didn’t want to believe the people who used to be on Yeon-chul’s side and thought that the country was slowly crumbling because of the merchant group. His concern was on the suffering citizens, but Baek Ahn thought that he was trying to school him. Ouch, more than the slap, I’m sure Taltal’s heart was aching to see his uncle’s changes..


The merchants were dragged to the palace ground but Taltal didn’t plan to kill him; instead, he’s sending them away as slaves so that they won’t be able to continue their business in Yuan. Lady Ki demanded to know what he was doing, but Taltal stopped her (he held her hand~~) , stating that it wasn’t her place to do so. Taltal admitted that he couldn’t do whatever Lady Ki thought he would do that was to go against the Chancellor and advised her to stop the fight, but she had set her mind fight until the end, unlike him whom she deemed as a coward. Awwww…please accept the challenge, Taltal! Don’t leave her alone in this fight!

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Wang Yoo went to the temple again to meet Maha and it was cute to see them praying together, although Maha’s complexion was something to be worried about. Yoo asked Maha about his wish and the boy said that he wished for his parents to be well in the afterlife if they were dead but if they were alive, he sincerely hoped to be reunited with them one day. Ahhhh stop it, show (ㅠㅠ) When asked about his own wish, Yoo said that his wish was for Maha’s wish to be materialized. Awwwwwh~ It brought a smile to Maha’s face and he himself didn’t know why he suddenly smiled. Double Awwwwww~! Maha didn’t want to make Yoo worried about him and told him that he was okay while Court Lady Seo was sneaking around, scrutinizing those two’s every movement.

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Ta-hwan was strolling around the palace when he saw the laundry section and he entered the place. He looked around between the hanging clothes and it’s like he was searching for someone. He was surprised when Seung-nyang appeared in front of him…and it was similar to, yet so different from the past. She invited him for a short, fun trip outside the palace. The trip was actually to show him the reality of his people living in famine and Lady Ki tried to persuade him into thinking of the citizens, but Ta-hwan believed in Baek Ahn’s loyalty and trusted his Chancellor’s decision. If you pay more attention to your country…then Lady Ki will voluntarily stop from protecting the country, Ta-hwan.

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They traveled back to the palace but the citizens were probably muttering curses towards the Emperor while glaring at him. Ta-hwan suddenly felt sharp pain in his chest and stopped his horse but as he looked around, he saw a familiar face: Wang Yoo. He screamed while pointing at Yoo’s direction but Lady Ki didn’t see him. Ta-hwan was so shocked and he passed out before falling down from the horse. Lady Ki ordered for the Emperor to be escorted back to the palace and Yoo studied Seung-nyang’s worried expression from afar.

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Ta-hwan was lying down on his bed unconscious while Seung-nyang continued to stay beside him. The physician informed Seung-nyang that the Emperor was safe for the time being but it was unknown when he would be able to wake up. Bad timing, especially with the Dowager and the Chancellor waiting to attack her! Meanwhile, it was the day for Maha to go to Goryeo but was getting worse and he couldn’t even swallow his medicine. Eunuch Park was there and he told Court Lady Seo to leave for good as he would take care of Maha. But then, he realized that the boy stopped moving….Noooo…

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Yoo was waiting outside as he would bring Maha to Goryeo and he was happy that he got to call Maha his son. Gosh, this is heartbreaking 😥 Eunuch Bang went inside to tell Eunuch Park that they were ready to leave…but he was welcomed with the sight of the boy, who was lying lifeless on the bed. He couldn’t even bring himself to inform Yoo about it, causing Yoo to ran towards Maha’s room…but Maha had already passed away. It was hard to see Yoo in denial and called his son’s name, telling him to open his eyes (ㅠㅠ) He told the boy that he was his father over and over again. This is so cruel….



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Ta-hwan didn’t show any sign of regaining his consciousness and Seung-nyang was worried for him. She pleaded for him to wake up and not to be sick or lonely again while hoping he would understand that she was doing everything within her power to protect him. Eunuch Park went back to the palace but Yoo told him not to tell Seung-nyang about Byul’s death. Seung-nyang should be told that Yoo had brought him to Goryeo since he didn’t want to cause any more sadness and heartaches for her. Ahhh!!! She received the information that Empress Dowager and Baek Ahn had started to make their move and she ordered for the officials to be summoned to the throne hall for an official audience.

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Baek Ahn and the Dowager was planning to deal with Lady Ki while Ta-hwan was unconscious but they were one step too late; Lady Ki had the officials gathered in the throne hall. They were surprised to see her sitting on the throne but she’s following the law to become the regent since Ayu was still young. She took the chance to disclose that the Dowager had been neglecting her responsibility to take care of the Imperial Treasury and ordered for the treasury seal to be put under Dok-man’s responsibility. Meanwhile, Eunuch Park would be the new general leading the soldiers and guards in the capital including the palace. That’s not all; Lady Ki also ordered for Baek Ahn to hand over both seals in his possession: the Imperial seal and the twin seal. Yeay! It’s nice to see the baddies fuming in anger once in a while~

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Taltal went to see Seung-nyang, reminding her that she’s started a dangerous hunt but she’s confident that she could deal with it before Ta-hwan woke up. She wondered if Taltal had decided to offer her his help and he told her to find Sun Tzu’s Art of War in the library. He had written down the name of the officials who were on Baek Ahn’s side, together with their bad deeds. She planned to deal with them by inviting them over for Ayu’s birthday celebration and Ta-hwan was to be transferred to her quarters.

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The officials accepted her invitation and she thanked them for coming but they were only served with plain water. Baek Ahn thought that she was pulling a prank on them but she answered: how could they sit in a lavish banquet when the citizens outside are suffering day and night? Lady Ki pointed out some of the officials with their corruptions and showed them the record. Since it’s the Crown Prince’s birthday, she had put a special ingredient in the water served to them, which was a type of poison. She offered them a chance: if they were innocent, they should drink it and she would step  down from her position as the acting regent for killing innocent people; however, if they didn’t drink it, that would mean they admitted to their crimes listed in the book and she would deal with them. In the count of three, only Baek Ahn drank the water since he knew that he didn’t commit any crime and Lady Ki admitted that there’s no suck thing as poison; she was just testing them. Haaa~ But then, the officials had admitted that they were guilty and that left her with no choice but to punish them accordingly. Haha!

Empress.Ki.E47.140415.HDTV.XviD-LIMO.avi_003457023  Empress.Ki.E47.140415.HDTV.XviD-LIMO.avi_003482515

Urgh, Court Lady Seo had found her way into the palace and she went straight to the Emperor’s quarters. Golta told her that Ta-hwan won’t be able to receive anyone at the moment but suddenly, Ta-hwan called for him. He had regained consciousness! Court Lady Seo seized the chance to tell him something and he gave her the permission to do so.

“Your Majesty, Prince Maha is actually…”




Translation for episode 48 preview has been posted HERE.

172 thoughts on “Empress Ki: Eps 46-47

  1. Awesome! thank you for the recap!!! love how SN got rid of KT so easily! & the look on SN’s enemies’ faces when they learn the truth about KT and Maha!!!! love it!!! ^-^ i’m so sad, though, that Bi-soo ends up dying in order to save WY (I hate that my prediction about her was correct) and that SN had to be cold to her son in order to save him ;_________; I can’t wait for TT to save SN from his uncle and the ED!! pls, show, no more deaths of the good guys…& please heal TH. Seeing him having nightmares of SN trying to kill him is breaking my heart and him collapsing from that… ;__________________________;

  2. Thanks for the recap!> i really love this episode i really want sn to tell maha the truth about him.

  3. This episode was so good!! I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end, except for Bi Soo 😥
    I was expecting she and WY to have a happy ending.

    Maha broke my heart too. But the rest was so intense! I hope Tal Tal will protect Ladi Ki in the future, and we can see more of the two of them together *-*

    1. @ELENA
      I was hoping too that WY and BS will end together but I guess the writters wanted to break our heart lol.They want to keep some mystery between TH and WY , that’s why they killed her..So sad.

      I was so happy to see ED and BA face after SN showed to everyone the double face of the empress.It was delicious , really. Given their face , they didn’t expected that at all . AHAHAH
      Even after the empress was exposed , the evil ED tryed to

      Maha broke my heart too , but for now , I think she took the right decision . I’m sure she will tell him when she could.But now the question is : what WY gonna do?

      About eagle housse , we all thought it was Bayan but apparently not . So who is the boss? Golta? I really have no clue…

      Taltal , my love, so handsome…Did you notice how many times he looks at SN secretely …yeah I’m also a talnyang shipper…And I’m sure he will stand by her side . As SN said , ED and BY won’t let her in peace. Indeed the way they looked Ayu was full of jealousy and I’m sure they both will plan to get rid of him .But as usual SN will find a way to expose them and maybe made them exil forever.

      This episode is one of the best , I really enjoy it ..

      1. @Veronique Mendy
        Yeah! I enjoyed it so much. To see ED’s reaction to the news, she was like a fish out of the water…it was so satisfying, hahaha!!
        About Eagle House leader, I think it might be Golta, because it is someone that helped El Temur, so it can’t be ED, BA or TT….the Goryeo guys are ruled out too. Moreover, he tried to speak against Lady Ki in front of the Emperor sometimes, and this is suspicious.
        Bi-soo’s death was so sad, now I think the happy ending for WY will be to recover Maha and live with him. But no clue about SN, will she go back to Goryeo later on, when TH is dead?

        And yeah, I missed more screen time for Tal Tal, but these glances they exchanged were priceless. I hope we can see more of him next episodes, I’m missing the amazing chemistry he has with Lady Ki…still dreaming the writers will allow some romantic interaction between them, it seems clear that he likes her…Anyway, I’ll be fine with some more screen time, I’m gonna miss him soo much when this is over!

      2. @elena

        If I follow your justification it’s golta. Why?? many times he told the emperor that lady ki shouldn’t be trust, she is dangerous , ……

        If he really likes her he would tell her about the letter TH had received.Because as we all know the revelation of this fakes letters are the key for saving their relation.

        Besides do you remenber when they caught up the mens from eagle housse? One of the men looked in front him and was shaking .

        And the last clue: when golta was late and tell TH that his mum weere sick. What a good one!!!!OMG
        So I vote for golta lol

    2. I agree!!! ^-^ i squealed at seeing him grab Lady Ki’s hand to stop her from openly going against his uncle’s wishes, which can mean treason for her. He protected her… ^~^ but too bad, TT lacks courage to openly do what’s right. At least, he’s no longer just blindly obeying whatever his uncle commands, but that his conscience ends up working well after he became Lady Ki’s teacher. He is also thinking more and more of the nation of Yuan and not just his clan, thanks to Lady Ki.

  4. Thank you for the speedy recap! 🙂 Only way I’m following nowadays with schoolwork picking up. I just think it’s so ironic how Ayu (TH’s kid) looks up to Maha (WY’s kid) but in the adult’s world, if it wasn’t for his insecurity with SN, TH would probably also look up to WY. Looking forward to what WY will do now that he knows Maha is his son and in the future that SN will have to save him later (TH mention it in ep 1).
    Timeskip rant: Hell, TH’s character development just pissed me off with how they’re trying to match it in the grand timeline of history, but it’s too much when he trusted WY and SN to have a private conversation one episode and the next, the trust is gone. (Though the trust in her probably drained in the “5 yrs” of receiving fake love letters but I missed those old days. Didn’t see enough to wonder how his great confident character plummeted to that drunken/misfit mess. You kinda wonder if those letters really affected his governing skills~.) By having this drama historical, people hoped to much for the ideal happily ever after ending, but the viewers shouldn’t hate the writers because the writers actually had the capability of stringing people along toward a fantasy.

    1. I agree with you, Ms. Dia! After watching numerous historical dramas like this one, I do understand that Empress Ki will also have a not-so-happy ending, but who knows?! After all, the most important thing is that, this drama entertained us in a great way and also it has imparted us several moral lessons…that is why I really admire the dramas maid by the East Asians…

      1. Personally I think Korean historical dramas have a ways to go compared to Chinese/Taiwanese historical dramas and it comes to the pacing in the beginning that took from the time to fully flesh out details in the events happening later in the drama. For sure this drama is keeping me entertained, but only because of the mystery of events that will lead to the scene shown in the first episode. I love tragedies though so I’m hoping it can pull at my heartstrings like the first episode did. I’m too invested in the drama by now; to not see how it ends, it would be a waste of time from all the late night-live streams :/ ( I dont usually finish dramas -.-; )

  5. Best episode!!!!! I loved every scene,so sad Bi soo died 😦 in ur face Bayan!!! Go sN The emperor’s mom, ED face was so priceless when she found out that Maha wasnt Tansiri’s son!!! hehehe I pity Yoo 😦 poor Maha I feel Tahwan actually liked Maha just think it because his from yeon-chul clan, it was so diff for SN not telling Maha that she’s his mother,i totally agree with SN this is the only way She can protect him, 😀 SMH at my Tahwan and his insecurities *such a spirit killer* can the entire Yeon-chul clan die already,Now we can see some badass action Empress Ki, my heart goes out to all Yoo-Bi soo shippers,ur shopping was so short 😦 I love TT, hopefully TH isnt criticize by some of u huus,hopefully TH isnt criticize by some of u in this episode!!! I DONT want it to end 😦

  6. wow… argh… it’s the best episode so far… i really curious about eagle house’s leader… his voice sounds like a cute man… haha…

    1. @queenbelle85
      I am sad and angry about this. Poor Byul. That child did not have one good day. Even in the womb he had to endure his mother rolling down a hill and being born early. Then after birth to fall off a cliff and miraculously survive to end up in the hands of Tana. The person he though was his father(TH) treated him like trash for his entire life. After being told by this so called father that he wished he was never born he was shot by a poisonous arrow. Then told that he was not Tana & TH’s son but some orphan. The person who brainwashed him and raised him turn her back on him. He had to leave the palace with no where to go but to Goryo. The very place he vow to destroy. Then after all this to die without knowing who his real parents are when they were so close. The is such a devastating fate for a child. How cruel fate is. The writers were so wrong. I mean seriously they could have given Byul at least one happy day in his life.

      1. I agree with you MeMe. This is probably the sickest move the writers have made to date, next to TH raping SN. I am so pissed that they killed Byul off. With all things said, why have Byul exist in the first place? Is it just to nail in the fact that there will no longer be anything to tie SN and WY together? Or is it just the opposite? Maybe knowing that their son die will reawaken something. Ah. I’m too incoherent to really comment. -_-;;;

      2. @Valkyrie
        Yes I wrote that in a comment on here. Sometimes the death of a child can bring the parents closer and make them have more of an emotional connection. It happens on TV a lot.

      3. I agree with you meme If in other episodes i just calmed down, this one I really can’t help but express my disappointment.. Poor Byul, they just let him died when he fell off the cliff with the man…I hate it that he just died……I am really disappointed, maybe because I am giving myself too much hope the this parent and child will meet and know each other, I did not even expect them to be a family but just know each other…at first I was asking when are they going to know the truth? when one is already dying? gosh it was even worst, I think Wang Yoo so his son dead already…. just broke my heart when bisoo died just like that…though she was happy she died at wy’s arms…. what else…. …..

      4. @MeMe, i agree to you. The writers were too much about the character of this young boy.

        Anyway, i just watched ep 46 and was touched when TH visited Maha and when he confronted ED. What do you think?

      5. @queenbelle85
        The writers wasted the Byul plot. They made such a big deal about it but ended it in such a weak way is wrong.
        Hmm..I didn’t buy TH’s sincerity towards Byul because this is after he treated this child so badly and told him he wishes he was never born. The damage was already done. TH’s fake concern for Byul did not move me. Right now I am indifferent to TH. I was against how he treated Byul and it made me start disliking TH. I really liked TH but now I am just indifferent to the character.
        The writers messed on this drama. It could have been epic but it will be just okay.

      6. I agree with you. I think, at least let Byul know who his parents. Let him be happy. It just so sad, when he just died like that. Pity him. T______T

      7. @MeMe I have no justification for this but i am wondering if maha is really dead or Seung Nyang may have used the same trick El temur used once. maybe it is just wishful thinking on my part but I sure wish it would turn out that way although the historical maha is said to have died in infancy

      1. I just wish for things happened for a reason thing, this Maha death should lead to something… These writers must be up to something, or are they running out of episodes that they decided maha dead than pursue with wang yu’s plan to bring his child to goryeo, it could have been better that way… I found it such a waste to make the baby survived when it fell off the cliff than died this way.!!!!!!

      2. @pesojiwon
        I don’t know but I know sometimes when a child dies there is potential for that child’s parents to become closer and have more of an emotional connection. I don’t want to get your hopes up because I know you ship SN & WY. I am just saying I have seen it happen on many TV shows.
        The whole Byul plot turn into one big mess. I can’t with these writers. It makes me Question how did they even win an award for this show and about future awards if they win anymore.

  7. The eagle house leader sounds like Wang Gu, the one from goryo. He was also in the beginning scene where lady ki becomes empress. He disappeared for all these episodes but suddenly is at the coronation? My guess is it’s Wang Gu. He will probably be empress ki’s new enemy once she gets rid of baek and ED. Love this drama and will miss it when it comes to an end!

  8. Thank you so much for this recap !!!!! you are great !!! very very good épisode …so intense and … I’m also a …talnyang shipper…lol

    I love instrumental music in this drama ….and especially in this episode … the music that accompany the sad scenes and other music for the most dramatic scenes … very very good music…thank you again for sharing…and for all the comments….comments that I always enjoy reading while waiting for the next episode…..kamsahamnida !!!!!

  9. I am so upset about Bi-Soo’s death. I wanted her and WY together in the end.
    I am glad SN finally knows Byul is her son. By revealing his true identity she saved him. I don’t even want to talk about TH’s fake concern for Byul. I really don’t think he was sincere especially after telling that child he wishes he was never born.
    SN & TH’s relationship is so unhealthy. I feel bad for SN because she working so hard to make this work with TH. I mean you have to work at a relationship. You should not have to work that hard to make it work. SN looks exhausted. Well since my WY & Bi-Soo ship has died. My only ship left is SN & TT.
    I am also happy to see Ayu as CP.

    1. @meme. Oh another similarity the way yeom jung poisoned bidam’s mind reminded me of fake letter that tangqishi and byung so sent the emperor. I watched jumong yes, but not as dedicated as today…. I was a bit disappointed in the part when jumong married another womanrather lady (0h forgot her name sounds like soseno?) of course they got married too but he did not have a son to the lady that i preferred fo him, the worst they needed to be separated because jumong’s first wife was still alive. I know jumong was a good drama too with too many war strategies too. Do you suggest that i watch it again?

      1. @pesojiwon
        Jumong married Yesoya. Yeah Jumong & SoSeono got married later. Jumong & SoSeono were a power couple. They were each others equal. When she left him in the end it was sad. I remember Jumong on that horse racing just to see SoSeono one last time. Hmm there is 81 episodes. LOL. Only if you want to watch it again.

    2. @meme i love that scene of bi soo and wang yu when Wy tried to wipe the stain on her face…it gave my heart a flicker of hope with bisoo, but tangqishi and men, bad timing as usual. Though i love the background music, one of my favorite ost. I did not expect bi soo to died at tat scene, i was expecting that wy’s underlings will find them and helped them. I was expecting that there will be a moment where bisoo can express her love for wang yu and i thought wy will die ahead of her, i didnot expect her to die in this drama… But again,i will hope for things happened for a reason thing…….if some will think that byul’s death will cut the the ties between wy and sn, bi soo’s desth could probably mean to lessen the complication between wy and sn… Of course this is something that th and sn shipper will hate but this is just an assumption… Without bisoo i would like to see wy with sn, but if that js not possible, i just wish empress ki to end without her emperor but with Taltal at her side, with or without romance involved.

      1. @pesojiwon
        I was like yes they will be together but then she was killed. It was sad. Only later WY found out how she felt about him. It was funny how she was being all girly with him. When she asked him could she live in Goryo and told him she would tell him something when they got there was so bittersweet.
        The death of Byul could have two meanings. It depends on which one the writers will go with.
        I am on Team Free SN of TH. I only can hope SN & Tal Tal will get together.

    3. @Meme Relationships take a lot of continuous work even with the best suited couples especially if it involves a man who isn’t very mature. Even though SY is trying to help the emperor she’s not doing so as a woman. I don’t know what they’re going to do with WY, i think it’d be insulting for him to end up with SY. Cause she made her choice thoroughly and for him to want or be with her after all that is not a beautiful thing. The emperor has been written to be every kind of bad guy so if SY is stuck with him I’m hoping he becomes decent again like right before the el temur conflict. I wish the emperor could be a fun kinda crazy like tanishiri instead of a rapist, murder, warmonger, child abuser, and ignorant. What’s next child molestation? It’s getting ridiculous.
      I’m hoping that when SY disappears its with Tal Tal.

      1. @Ariel DuBenion
        That is true relationships take continuous work but when one of them is not maturing there comes a time to let it go. Everybody has a breaking point. SN has put in work as a woman in this relationship. Now it is TH’s turn to put in as a man in this relationship. TH was ignorant since the beginning. TH was child abuser since Byul was born. Now being a rapist and murderer came later when those insecurities became too much for TH and he started drinking. TH the character is a psychiatrist dream patient. I have feeling the writers are going to excuse TH’s behavior to drugs.
        Oh yes! I wish that too. SN & Tal Tal together❤.

  10. I know some people are saying that the writers killed of Byul to cut all the ties between SN & WY. Hmm..I don’t know. I have watch enough TV shows to know sometimes the death of a child can potentially bring that child’s parents closer. Making them have more of a emotional connection. I am not saying this is going to happen and no I am not a SN & WY shipper but it does happen on TV shows quite often.

  11. Byul shouldn’t be borned in the first place as said by TH. It’s the mistake of the writers. There’s no Byul in the history. I thought it’s why the writers had TH to mention this matter. Beside, the writers really have no way to go, so better to have Byul died quick. Same to Bisoo.

    1. @EK
      True that Byul was fiction but lets be real most of this Empress Ki drama is fictional.
      TH was wrong for saying that. Very wrong.
      The writers had places to go but they messed up and wrote this drama into a corner.

    2. Ok…..thats true but Wang Yu did have only one son, King U that he did not except until later in years. He had none with his queen she died in child birth in her later years. The mother of King U was a servant of the Bang character ….so I figured they were going to let Maha be this King U….it made since ….his death does not…he could of fit in perfect and made a great come back story for the boy. What kind of writers are these are they just trying to finish us the series?

      1. Still I think it would of taken nothing to have Maha be King U and have him be with his dad…..It would not of taken that much time and would have place some reality to following history into the show. I know King Wang Yu did not have a son who died this young so way kill him off?…..but he had only one child in a similar kinda way.
        I am over Empress Ki and WY together that ship suck when Tal Tal bought her when she was for sale…..But they could of show as in history that he excepted his son and they became very close in later years…..Writers missed the boat here. What a shame and sad!

  12. TH’s sick treatment of Byul is something I will forever hold against TH; adding to why I will never like his character. There is a big issue in the SN-TH ship stemming mainly from TH’s childish and flippant behavior. I’m sure SN is factored into the equation, but the problem is mostly with TH. Ugh.

    And yes, I agree there has been stories where a death of a loved one brings two people together. Take Emergency Couple for example. Circumstances and dynamics are different, but both loved the person they lost and in order for them to comfort and heal, they turned to each other. SN cannot turn to TH about her loss; imagine the drama that will unfold when (and not if) TH hears about Byul being SN and WY’s. And WY will naturally turn to SN to console her. If anything, the two will move on from their loss but there will always remain the question of “what if ” or “what could’ve been”. That will forever be a sore spot for both parties.

    But my sinking Bi Soo and WY ship. It’s too cruel. ;_; call me crazy, but I’m grinning over the prospects of TH dying from a heart condition. It’s poetic and ironically fitting.

    1. @Valkyrie
      That is why I am indifferent to the character TH. The way he treated Byul was so wrong. Don’t even get me started on some TH shippers and how they defended TH’s treatment of Byul. Now Byul is dead. Cruel writers. I can’t even. SMH.
      Yes I have seen it numerous times. I would not be surprised if the writers go that route.
      My shipping heart is broken. I no longer shipped SN & WY and SN & TH. When I started to ship WY & Bi-Soo they killed Bi-Soo off. All have left now is SN & Tal Tal.

      1. @ MeMe – I’d like to ignore TH, but his incessant whining, crying, and drinking in every episode makes me want to reach into the screen and smack him upside the head. Or least have SN do it cause I wouldn’t bat an eye to do it.

        And I don’t understand the writers anymore. Those peeps be sick! Killing off an innocent kid while letting El Plague roam around freely with one eyed-jack is just what the hell.

        And yes, I was aboard the SS BiWang, but now it’s buried so far down beneath the ocean of my tears. I want my Wang Yu to be happy for once. Please writers, have mercy on the poor guy!

      2. @Valkyrie
        LOL. I can’t with TH. I just can’t with a supposedly grown man whining acting like a child. I just want to jump through my phone and knock some sense into him. LOL. Poor SN looks exhausted dealing with this nonsense.

      1. @ redbutterflys – Oh, I love JCW and he’s so uberly handsome, but this TH character is just grating on my last nerves. I don’t care when he dies. Either grow up or go away! 😡

  13. Tahwan has pissed me off so much within the previous episodes that i rather enjoyed his nightmare sequence. I have been wishing Seung Nyang would slap some sanity into him 🙂

    1. @redbutterflys
      SN looks so exhausted dealing with TH and his issues. That girl needs a break. If she finds out about Byul being dead. I fear SN will have a mental breakdown.

Rant Out, Souls!