New Year Greetings: Grown Ups Edition

Adorable. That’s what I thought of these celebrities all in their hanbok for Lunar New year greetings. The pictures were released by sidusHQ, featuring the celebrities under the company all smiling and looking happy for the pictorial. I’m still waiting for other actors and actresses from other companies for their pictures to be released but maybe they’re just too busy with filming and such. Anyhow, enjoy the beauty of both the people and the hanbok itself!

Baek Sung-hyun



Hyun Woo



Jo Boa



Kim Woo-bin



Lee Sang-yeob



Lee Yu-bi



source: The Star, sidusHQ

One thought on “New Year Greetings: Grown Ups Edition

  1. Gosh!! thank you for the photos I really enjoyed them!! 🙂 I am sort of new to your site but have started checking it fairly often after finding you have some recaps for Vampire Idol but this is my first comment!!

    I think Boa looks so beautiful in her second picture though I am not really a fan. I saw Shut Up Flower boy but just wasn’t that keen on it despite everyone telling me how awesome it was…. and believe me I have nothing against Flower Boys!! Flower Boy Next Door has got to be one of my favourite dramas so far!! 🙂

    Also… Kim Woo Bin looks awesome as always!!! I love you Woo Bin!! 🙂

    Thank you Talking Cupboard!! If any other agencies release any photos of their stars in Hanbok I would love to see them! Korean Traditional clothes are so incredibly beautiful!!! 🙂

Rant Out, Souls!